Backup strategy for banking and financial systems with Oracle as backend Database [on hold]

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Backup strategy for banking and financial systems with Oracle as backend Database [on hold]

We are planning to protect our critical data present in Oracle database against both physical and logical corruptions.

I understand that we need to rely on the physical database backup and point in time recovery(PITR) mechanism of the RDBMS to provide protection against any kind of failure. But there are few cases like logical corruption etc. where recovery from physical database backups may not be sufficient.

But would like to understand from experts in financial industry how Banks and other financial organizations design their backup, recovery strategy to protect their data as in this industry every piece of data is very critical.

Is it sufficient to purely rely on the underlying RDBMS/Databases backup(Oracle RMAN backups), recovery features or we need to have other strategies built around it to provide zero loss of critical data against physical and logical corruptions.

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