MS SQL calculating percentage in Derived table

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MS SQL calculating percentage in Derived table

i'm trying to work with 3 tables and create a derived table to get some data together that shows a percentage of completion.
The 3 tables I have that i'm working with are
Student, Tests and Results. I'm trying to join the 3 together and create a derived table that shows the student and the progress they have made, in a percentage of tests completed.

As an example, lets assume the 3 students I want to track have all been assigned 3 tests (out of a table with hundreds) and I want to see how far along they are. If they completed all 3 tests the derived table should store the value 100%.

**StudentID, SName**
1 Ken
2 Tom
3 Bob

**TestID, TName**
11 Test 101
22 Test 102
33 Test 103

**ResultsID, TestID, StudentID, Passed**
1 11 Tom 0
2 11 Bob 1
3 22 Bob 1
4 33 Bob 1

Derived Table:

StudentID, SName, %Completed
1 Ken 0%
2 Tom 0%
3 Bob 100%

I have tried a lot of different methods and don't know which one to even show because I feel like all the attempts have been completely wrong. Any ideas? Sorry if the formatting isn't great, it's my first post here :)


You should show your attempts.
– Gordon Linoff
1 hour ago

2 Answers

This seems like a join and group by with a twist:


group by

select s.StudentID, s.SName,
sum(case when r.passed = 1 then 1.0 else 0 end) / t.cnt
from students s left join
results r
on s.studentid = r.studentid cross join
(select count(*) as cnt
from tests
) t
group by s.StudentID, s.SName, t.cnt;

Thank you Gordon. I have tried your suggested query with the addition of the sum(case when a.CompletionStatus = 1 then 1.0 else 0 end) / nullif(t.cnt,0) to prevent a divide by zero error, however the column name comes in as blank instead of as cnt for some reason.
– KenM
26 mins ago

To get all possible combinations of students with the tests.

One could cross join to a sub-query of the tests the students should pass.

Then all possible combinations of student/test can be left joined to the actual results.

After that, it's a simple GROUP BY with an average.

concat(AVG(coalesce(res.Passed,0)*100),'%') as [%Completed]
from Students as stu
cross join (
select TestID, TName
from Tests
where TestID in (11,22,33)
) as tst
left join Results as res on (res.StudentID = stu.StudentID and res.TestID = tst.TestID)
group by stu.StudentID, stu.SName

Example snippet:

-- Sample data
-- Using table variables for demonstration
declare @Students table (StudentID int identity(1,1) primary key, SName varchar(30));
insert into @Students (Sname) values
declare @Tests table (TestID int primary key, TName varchar(30));
insert into @Tests (TestID, TName) values
(11,'Test 101'),
(22,'Test 102'),
(33,'Test 103');
declare @Results table (ResultsID int identity(1,1) primary key, TestID int, StudentID int, Passed bit);
insert into @Results (TestID, StudentID, Passed) values

-- Query
concat(AVG(coalesce(res.Passed,0)*100),'%') as [%Completed]
from @Students as stu
cross join (
select TestID, TName
from @Tests
where TestID in (11,22,33)
) as tst
left join @Results as res on (res.StudentID = stu.StudentID and res.TestID = tst.TestID)
group by stu.StudentID, stu.SName;


StudentID SName %Completed
--------- ----- ----------
1 Ken 0%
2 Tom 0%
3 Bob 100%
4 Jane 33%

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