Django TypeError missing 1 required positional argument when trying to use form input in another function

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Django TypeError missing 1 required positional argument when trying to use form input in another function

I'm really a noob.

What I'am trying to do is to use an input (a category to display) from a ModelForm and pass it to another function, which would render a table accordingly on the next page.

Here is the first function from my
def index(request):
form1 = PrimarySearchForm(request.POST)

if form1.is_valid():
return results(request, form1.cleaned_data['actor'])
template = 'main/index.html'
context = 'form1': form1
return render(request, template, context)

Here is the second function from

def results(request, actor):
table = FactTable(Sawn_Areas_Fact.objects.get(actors=actor))
return render(request, 'main/results.html', 'table': table)

Here is the form
class PrimarySearchForm(forms.ModelForm):

class Meta:
model = Actors_Dim
fields = ('actor',)

So, when I run the server, select an entry and click submit I get the following error message:

TypeError: results() missing 1 required positional argument: 'actor'
[29/Jul/2018 17:10:04] "POST /results/ HTTP/1.1" 500 59914

Thanks in advance for any help!

can you add your
– Jerin Peter George
46 mins ago

What is FactTable. Show code.
– VolArt
45 mins ago

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