how to parse json into struct in swift

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how to parse json into struct in swift

I have struct like this:

struct Company

let name:String
let id:Int

I want to parse from JSON a set of Companies.

Can you please help me how can I do that in Swift?

You can use SwiftyJSON,
– vzamanillo
Dec 11 '14 at 11:25

3 Answers

Unfortunately JSON parsing is not very easy in swift.
You should use the NSJSONSerialization class to do it.

There are plenty of examples here to look at.

In Swift3, It's possible to convert dictionary direct to struct use MappingAce

struct Company: Mapping
let name:String
let id:Int

let companyInfo: [String : Any] = ["name" : "MappingAce", "id" : 1]

let company = Company(fromDic: companyInfo)
print( // 1

This is for future folks. In Swift 4 there is a very nice solution with JSONDecoder.


With Alamofire code will look like this -

Alamofire.request(Router.login(parameters: parameters)).responseJSON
response in
switch response.result
case .success(_):
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
guard let _ = else

let loginDetails = try decoder.decode(LoginDetails.self, from:!)
// get your details from LoginDetails struct
catch let err

case .failure(let error):

Hope this helps!!!

guard let _ is very bad syntax if you actually need the bound variable later.
– vadian
56 mins ago

guard let _

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