Python KeyError: I can't figure it out (new to python)

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Python KeyError: I can't figure it out (new to python)

I am in a beginners python class and we are creating a grocery list script. My script is giving me a key error at the line: item_total = int(grocery_history[y].get('number')) * float(grocery_history[y].get('price')). I also think the last couple print statements are wrong as well.

grocery_item =

grocery_history = grocery_item

x = 0

isStopped = False

while not isStopped:
item_name = input("Item name:n")
quantity = input("Quantity purchased:n")
cost = input("Price per item:n")

grocery_item['name'] = item_name
grocery_item['number'] = int(quantity)
grocery_item['price'] = float(cost)

grocery_history[x] = grocery_item.copy()
exit = input("Would you like to enter another item?nType 'c' for continue or 'q' to quit:n")
if exit == 'q':
isStopped = True
x += 1

grand_total = float(0.00)

for y in range(0, len(grocery_history) - 1):
item_total = int(grocery_history[y].get('number')) * float(grocery_history[y].get('price'))
grand_total = float(grand_total) + float(item_total)
print("%d %s @ $%.2f ea $%.2f" %(grocery_history[y]['number'], str(grocery_history[y]['name']), float(grocery_history[y]['price']), float(item_total)))
item_total = 0

finalmessage = ("Grand Total: $:,.2f".format(grand_total))

KeyError means that the key is not found in dictionary, like this days_of_week["potato"]. I suggest you first break the long line into individual steps. You will get a more specific location of your error. Then, print the dictionary as well as key before that line - this will make it easier to debug.
– jurez
37 mins ago


1 Answer

I think you are misusing Python dictionaries and lists. The variable grocery_history could be a list (which stores grocery items right?), so your code could end like:


grocery_item =

grocery_history =

isStopped = False

while not isStopped:
item_name = input("Item name:n")
quantity = input("Quantity purchased:n")
cost = input("Price per item:n")

grocery_item['name'] = item_name
grocery_item['number'] = int(quantity)
grocery_item['price'] = float(cost)

exit = input("Would you like to enter another item?nType 'c' for continue or 'q' to quit:n")
if exit == 'q':
isStopped = True

grand_total = float(0.00)

for y in range(0, len(grocery_history) - 1):
item_total = int(grocery_history[y].get('number')) * float(grocery_history[y].get('price'))
grand_total = float(grand_total) + float(item_total)
print("%d %s @ $%.2f ea $%.2f" % (
grocery_history[y]['number'], str(grocery_history[y]['name']), float(grocery_history[y]['price']), float(item_total)))
item_total = 0

finalmessage = ("Grand Total: $:,.2f".format(grand_total))

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