C++ What should I use to save formatted in a string variable like sprintf()?

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C++ What should I use to save formatted in a string variable like sprintf()?

I'm used to programming in C but now I needed to use C++ for a project, and I need to save some text into a string, the code I would have used in C would have been

sprintf(pathFotosLimpias, "CleanPictures/Picture_T%d_%d", pictureNumber, templateNumber);

Or something like that, but pathFotosLimpias is a string so it doesn't work and I can't find how to save it as a sting, I think there is a boost function which does something similar to what I need but I can't figure out what exactly should I do, can someone explain what I need and maybe give me an example on how to use it?

Thank you.

Update: It is apparently a cv::String from opencv, I'm a bit more confused now.

You cannot really use sprintf with std::strings. Use std::ostringstream instead.
– Neil Butterworth
19 mins ago




In response to your edit, I don't know anything about the cv::String type, but it is probably incompatible with use of sprintf. If you are wedded to using that function, then you need to output into a C-style string (i.e. a char array) and then convert that to the type you need. But tjis is not exactly optimal.
– Neil Butterworth
9 mins ago



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