SQLException: Select statement throw exception The index 1 is out of range

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SQLException: Select statement throw exception The index 1 is out of range

I tried connect to MS SQL Server but when i debut it and i get SQLException.

PreparedStatementCallback; SQL [select * from dbo.theLogin tl;]; The
index 1 is out of range

public ArrayList<Login> select(String username, String password)
JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
return (ArrayList<Login>) select.query(
"select tl.username, tl.password from dbo.theLogin tl;",
new Object username, password,
new LoginRowMapper());

I cannot figure out what wrong it. Please help. Thanks in advancen

Tag the language that your code sample was taken from. The problem isn't in the SQL.
– Tab Alleman

I"m using Java.
– peterwkc
50 mins ago

1 Answer

The second parameter to your query() call should be a list of values to use to bind to any variables in the SQL statement - but your SQL does not have any variables to bind to, so you get that "index 1 is out of range" when it tries to set the first parameter to the value of username. Your SQL looks like it will return a list of all username and password pairs from your table - which may not be what you were after...



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