Remove only half of specific adjacent duplicates in python list

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Remove only half of specific adjacent duplicates in python list

I have a tool which is outputting some data . It is known that whenever '10' comes in the data it is added with extra '10' I.e new data becomes ... '10', '10', . Sometimes there can be 4 '10' in consecutive series which means that there is actually 2 '10'.

While reading the data I am trying to remove the duplicates . Till now I have learnt how to remove duplicates if only two adjacent duplicates are found but at the same time if even number of duplicates are found , I want to return half of the duplicates .

x = [ '10', '10', '00', 'DF', '20' ,'10' ,'10' ,'10' ,'10', ....]

Expected output

[ '10', '00' , 'DF', ' 20', ' 10', '10' ..]

What code have you written so far?
– Henry
1 hour ago

@ Henry 28 Using list comprehension . y= [ x[I] for I in ange (Len(x)) if (I==0) or ( x[i-1] != x[I]) or ( x[I] != '10')]
– Poka
1 hour ago

3 Answers

You may try to use groupby() from itertools:



X= [ '10', '10', '00', 'DF', '20' ,'10' ,'10' ,'10' ,'10']

from itertools import groupby

result =
for k, g in groupby(X) :
group = list(g)
if k == '10' :
else :
print result


['10', '00', 'DF', '20', '10', '10']

@ lenik I am new to this group by function . I will check it and come back .
– Poka
1 hour ago

@Poka try for k, g in groupby(X) : print k, list(g) -- this will give you a better understanding what this function does.
– lenik
1 hour ago

for k, g in groupby(X) : print k, list(g)

@ lenik I have also some other consecutive data like '00','00'… the previous solution is replacing them also . But I want only to reduce '10'
– Poka
55 mins ago

@Poka not a problem, check the updated answer in about 15 sec =)
– lenik
52 mins ago

@Poka glad to hear that! if you find any other criteria, just leave a comment here and I'll amend the solution
– lenik
44 mins ago

A pure python approach

ls =
dupe = True
for item in x:
if ls and ls[-1] == item and dupe:
dupe = False
dupe = True

['10', '00', 'DF', '20', '10', '10']

@RafelC I will check this solution too.
– Poka
47 mins ago

Try using the built-in next() and iter() functions. If you encounter a 10, simply skip over the next element.




raw_data_stream = iter(['10', '10', '00', 'DF', '20' ,'10' ,'10' ,'10' ,'10'])

cleaned_data_stream =
for x in raw_data_stream:
if x == '10':


> ['10', '00', 'DF', '20', '10', '10']

Not a good idea to hardcode '10', would fail for every other possible case
– RafaelC
1 hour ago


OP stated in a comment that they only want to dedup 10. No where in the question does it specify that they care about any values other than 10 either.
– ben_frankly
25 mins ago



Well, thats true..
– RafaelC
20 mins ago

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