Leaf to Root Path Java

Leaf to Root Path Java
I have been searching around but can't seem to understand how to return path from leaf to root.
For Example:
/ /
So if I do A.find(E)
it should return [A,C,E]
and if I do B.find(D)
it should return [B,D]
My attempt :
// Base Case - The root of this Tree is c. Route is just [child]
public List<Person> find(Person c)
List<Person> path = new ArrayList<Person>();
Person p = c;
while(c != null)
return path;
This question is a bit unclear: you ask
I... can't seem to understand how to return path from leaf to root.
, but then you say the find()
implementation should return the path from a leaf to a lower leaf. I'm confused on whether you're trying to find elements in both directions, or only children like the examples indicate.– Graham
3 mins ago
I... can't seem to understand how to return path from leaf to root.
Like the example. find() is just a name I called it could be anything.
– It'sME
1 min ago
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If you want to get to the root you need: while (node.parent != null) node = node.parent thats it
– yossico
9 mins ago