laupiFrpar/LopiPusherBundle Configuration for Symfony 4

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laupiFrpar/LopiPusherBundle Configuration for Symfony 4

I got this error:

Invalid configuration for path "lopi_pusher": Either url or app_id, key and secret needs to be set.

With this pusher_php_server.yaml:

public: true
- '%env(PUSHER_KEY)%'
- '%env(PUSHER_SECRET)%'
- '%env(PUSHER_APP_ID)%'

And these variables defined on .env as etc ...

Also I'd need to config:

timeout: '%env(PUSHER_TIMEOUT)%'
debug: '%env(PUSHER_DEBUG)%'
scheme: '%env(PUSHER_SCHEME)%'
port: '%env(PUSHER_PORT)%'
host: '%env(PUSHER_HOST)%'
cluster: '%env(PUSHER_CLUSTER)%'
auth_service_id: my_channel_authenticator

But don't know where...

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