How to Break a Word When Wrapping in a Specific Location

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How to Break a Word When Wrapping in a Specific Location

I have a long word in the banner of my index page and I am having trouble getting it to wrap properly. I've referenced tutorials but I haven't come across how to tell a browser where to place the break when the screen size gets too small.

I don't want the browser to try and determine the best place to break a word, but I want to be able to choose that spot which the browser seems not to understand.


//break between the words Super and Long.

1 Answer

One possible solution, if to not use script, and since I assume you have control over the code, is to wrap the word in groups, here done with span's, which will then allow for it to break at a chosen position, e.g. like this, using Flexbox


With this it still will look as a whole word when width is wide enough.

Stack snippet

display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;

border: 1px dotted gray;
width: 250px;

border: 1px dotted gray;
width: 350px;

<div class="demo">
<p class="header"><span>ThisIsTheSuper</span><span>LongWordThatNeedsToBeSplit</span></p>

<div class="demo2">
<p class="header"><span>ThisIsTheSuper</span><span>LongWordThatNeedsToBeSplit</span></p>

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