axios strips off some bits of URL path

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axios strips off some bits of URL path

I am inspecting a code(which is written by someone else) that makes simple GET and POST requests to the server using axios.

Everything seems to be working fine, except that a single request to the server.

When making the following request,

url = 'api/items';

axios.get(url).then(res =>
// do some work

Some bits of URL path get stripped off for some reason.

The above request is supposed to be sent to

instead of

All other requests work fine(i.e., but not this one.

What could be the possible cause of this?

Do the code set baseURL? Is the sample page who perform get had different URLs?
– Zesky
22 hours ago


Are the other apis called the same?
– Nimeshka Srimal
22 hours ago

@Zesky The base URL does not seem to be set
– d-_-b
22 hours ago

@NimeshkaSrimal Yes, all other apis are called in the same way
– d-_-b
22 hours ago

You aren't setting the base url in other api calls? I mean, they all work like this?
– Nimeshka Srimal
22 hours ago

2 Answers

You can use something like this

axios.defaults.baseURL = '';

then u can use

url = 'api/items';

axios.get(url).then(res =>
// do some work

and send a request to

You may like to check Global Axios Config Defaults to get more information

As it mentioned in the documentation, You can have several instances and set default configs for each instance like this:

// Set config defaults when creating the instance
const instance = axios.create(
baseURL: ''

// Alter defaults after instance has been created
instance.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = AUTH_TOKEN;

yes, I am aware of this, but I want to know why all apis work fine except one
– d-_-b
21 hours ago

@d-_-b it may initialize each axios instance in each template, instead of initializing an axios instance to use in all templates
– DarkSuniuM
21 hours ago

Turned out that the API path was set to /api/items, not api/items.



That leading / was causing the problem.


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