else without rescue is useless and expecting keyword_end

else without rescue is useless and expecting keyword_end
This code gives me these errors in my ruby console:
1) warning: else without rescue is useless
2) syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting keyword_end
Why am I getting both of these errors at the same time?
require 'nokogiri'
require 'httparty'
require 'byebug'
require 'awesome_print'
require 'watir'
def input #takes user input and grabs the url for that particular search
puts "1) Enter the job title that you want to search for n"
j_input = gets.chomp
job = j_input.split(/ /).join("+")
puts "================================= n"
puts "1/2)Do you want to input city-and-state(1) or zipcode(2)? n"
choice = gets.chomp
if choice == "1"
puts "2) Enter the city that you want to search for n"
city_input = gets.chomp
city = city_input.split(/ /).join("+")
puts "================================= n"
puts "3) Enter the state that you want to search for n"
state_input = gets.chomp
state = "+" + state_input
puts target_url = "https://www.indeed.com/resumes/?q=#job&l=#city%2C#state&cb=jt"
elsif choice == "2"
puts "Enter the zipcode that you want to search for n"
zipcode = gets.chomp
puts target_url = "https://www.indeed.com/resumes?q=#job&l=#zipcode&cb=jt"
puts "error"
unparsed_page = HTTParty.get(target_url)
parsed_page = Nokogiri::HTML(unparsed_page)
resume_listing = parsed_page.css('div.sre-entry')
per_page = resume_listing.count
resumes = Array.new
counter = 0
result_count = parsed_page.css('div#result_count').text.split(' ')[0].to_f
page_count = (result_count.to_f / per_page.to_f ).ceil
current_count = 0
if counter <= 0
unparsed_page = HTTParty.get(target_url)
parsed_page = Nokogiri::HTML(unparsed_page)
resume_listing = parsed_page.css('div.sre-entry')
per_page = resume_listing.count
pagination_resume_listing.each do |resume_listing|
#resume_info =
# title:
# link:
# skills:
# education:
#resumes << resume_info
puts "Added #resume_info[:title]"
while current_count <= page_count * per_page
pagination_url = "https://www.indeed.com/resumes?q=#job&l=#zipcode&co=US&cb=jt&start=#current_count"
unparsed_pagination_page = HTTParty.get(pagination_url)
pagination_parsed_page = Nokogiri::HTML(unparsed_pagination_page)
pagination_resume_listing = pagination_parsed_page.css('div.sre-entry')
pagination_resume_listing.each do |resume_listing|
#resume_info =
# title:
# link:
# skills:
# education:
#resumes << resume_info
puts "Added #resume_info[:title]"
current_count += 50
It won't allow me to fix the else without rescue issue without telling me that it expects an extra end at the end of my code. Of course when I put the end there it does nothing and says that it wants another end
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If you format (i.e. indent) your code, it should help ID your missing
statement.– orde
8 mins ago