Extent: Add Class name to Test Success

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Extent: Add Class name to Test Success

I want to add Test Class Name and Method Name into extent report as highlight in the picture. I want to change the loginInvalid to ClassName::Method name. I tried with following but no success.

public synchronized void onTestSuccess(ITestResult result)
System.out.println(result.getMethod().getMethodName() + " passed!");
test.get().pass(result.getTestContext().getClass().getName() + " Test passed");

Extent Report

Please help. Thanks in advance.

2 Answers

String feature = result.getMethod().getRealClass().getName() + ":" + result.getMethod().getMethodName();
ExtentTest extentTest = extent.createTest(feature, result.getMethod().getDescription());

extentTest = extentReport.createTest(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "::" + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName());

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