Using a variable outside of a defined function

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Using a variable outside of a defined function

If I had a function that I made:

def a():
n = 2*2

How could I access n out of the function without calling a?

A related question comes to mind, although that's about accessing a variable inside a function when you do call the function, so it's not really a duplicate.
– David Z
4 hours ago

Why would you want to?
– AChampion
4 hours ago

Have you looked at the answers to this question?
– martineau
3 hours ago

2 Answers

You cannot. You will need to define the variable outside of the function, or call the function and return it.

You need to return it, so do:

def a():
n = 2*2
return n



You can also do print, but return is better, check this: What is the formal difference between "print" and "return"?



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