printing product headers that have 0 as a value in a separate header GUI

printing product headers that have 0 as a value in a separate header GUI
For my code, I have to find a certain product and the values associated with it for a specific date( that are headers in the csv file) and take those numbers and manipulate them. However, there are blank values for many of the products ( because those products are not produced for those specific months), thus the reason I produced my current code, because I did not want to display adjusted values for numbers that were either blank or 0.
import pandas as pd
import csv
import numpy as np
import os
from tkinter import*
master = Tk()
fileVar = StringVar()
fileLabel = Label(master, textvariable=fileVar, font=('Consolas', 9))
fileLabel.grid(row=8, column=1)
fileVar2 = StringVar()
fileLabel2 = Label(master, textvariable=fileVar2, font=('Consolas', 9))
fileLabel2.grid(row=8, column=2)
readfile = pd.read_csv('50.csv')
filevalues= readfile.loc[readfile['Customer'].str.contains('Lam Dep', na=False), 'Jul-18nQty']
filevalues = filevalues.replace(" ", "", regex=True)
filevalues.replace("", np.nan, inplace=True)
int_series = filevalues.astype(int)
productheader = readfile.loc[readfile['Customer'].str.contains('Lam Dep', na=False), 'Product']
calculated_series = int_series.apply(lambda x: x*(1/1.2))
However, now when I display the information on GUI, it comes out like this:
It seems that all the product headers are printing out, understandably, even though there is no value associated with it. How can I specify and only print The productheaders that have values associated with them ( which is stored as calculated_series)
In addition this is a dummy version of my csv file:
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