How can I get the number of bytes in a newline from PowerShell?

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How can I get the number of bytes in a newline from PowerShell?

DOS/Windows newline is two (2) bytes, 0x0D0A.
UNIX/Linux newline is one (1) byte, 0x0A.
Mac newline is one (1) byte, 0x0D.

How can I write code to find the length of a newline on each platform? Output on Windows will produce two (2) bytes, but output on Linux will produce one (1) byte. I did not find anything related to this in about_Special_Characters.


On Windows:

PS C:srct> type .nl.ps1

Both Windows and Linux return the same result.

PS C:srct> .nl.ps1


1 Answer

.NET Standard has an API for that, and is a always available from Powershell:


On Windows

PS C:Usersdbrowne> [system.environment]::newline.length

On Ubuntu

PS /home/dbrowne> [system.environment]::newline.length

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