Displaying image from MySQL other than echoing

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Displaying image from MySQL other than echoing

Is there another way to put image from MySQL to html other than echoing it like this:

echo "<img src='images/" . $row['event_image'] . "' height='200' width='320' class=responsivez> ";

Im trying to put the image path onto the html tag. The getImage.php displays my image path but when called on the next page the image doesnt display. Am i missing some important syntax?

<img src="images/getImage.php?" width="175" height="200" />


if (!$con)
die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());

$result=mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * from blast_events where

if (!$result)
die ('SQL Error: ' . mysqli_error($con));



echo $row["event_image"];

Do cmd+u (on Mac) or ctrl+u (on Windows), and see if the link in the src attribute is correct or not.
– Rajdeep Paul
50 mins ago


You're going about this in the exact right way (aside from parameterisation); echoing out an <img> tag. Having said that, $row['event_image'] shouldn't give you getImage.php?. Is that in your table row? You should be storing something like image001.png. Then your <img> tag will map out correctly (assuming the relevant image is on the server).
– Obsidian Age
49 mins ago






1 Answer

Try to Output the image instead of just a path:

readfile($row["event_image"]); // make sure the path is valid not only filename.
// echo $row["event_image"];

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