AngularCLI serve issue on Linux OS, Ubuntu 16.04 distribution

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AngularCLI serve issue on Linux OS, Ubuntu 16.04 distribution

I'd installed AngularCLI (Angular6) on Linux Ubuntu 16.04 in a regular way. then I try to serve my app with

ng serve --open

ng serve --open

command and the terminal became as the screenshot below

the screenshot of the terminal:

I want to know what is this error or issue and how can I solve it?

Already ng-common installed


Please explain how you installed the Angular CLI.
– Ploppy
17 hours ago

I installed as steps provided in
– El.
17 hours ago

What happens when you execute ng -v?
– Ploppy
17 hours ago

ng -v

this shows up: Mg++ version: Mg++ 1.5beta1 (formerly MicroGnuEmacs Adv.)
– El.
17 hours ago

Not sure but it looks like the ng command is already registered to something else.
– Ploppy
17 hours ago


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