Membership provider in asp .net core app

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Membership provider in asp .net core app

I am enforcing the problem to add membership provider into config in the .net core application. I must add it because it references to older projects which contain the legacy code and reference to an assembly of System.Web.ApplicationServices. And in this assembly, the flow goes to line, which checks if the name of the provider is not null.

if ( providerName == null || SystemWebProxy.Membership.Providers[providerName] == null )

throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, ApplicationServicesStrings.Membership_provider_name_invalid), "providerName" );

But anyway, I am adding the necessary implementation in appsettings.json:

"DefaultProvider": "blahblah",
"Name": "blahblah"

And in the startup class I am configuring the sqlMembershipProvider in the following way:


Could somebody tell me, why I am not getting my provider implemented into the configuration? Maybe I am going the wrong way?

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