PySpark count values by condition

PySpark count values by condition
I have a DataFrame, a snippet here:
[['u1', 1], ['u2', 0]]
basically one string ('f') and either a 1 or a 0 for second element ('is_fav').
What I need to do is grouping on the first field and counting the occurrences of 1s and 0s. I was hoping to do something like
num_fav = count((col("is_fav") == 1)).alias("num_fav")
num_nonfav = count((col("is_fav") == 0)).alias("num_nonfav")
df.groupBy("f").agg(num_fav, num_nonfav)
It does not work properly, I get in both cases the same result which amounts to the count for the items in the group, so the filter (whether it is a 1 or a 0) seems to be ignored. Does this depend on how count
1 Answer
There is no filter here. Both col("is_fav") == 1
and col("is_fav") == 0)
are just boolean expressions and count
doesn't really care about their value as long as it is defined.
col("is_fav") == 1
col("is_fav") == 0)
There are many ways you can solve this for example by using simple sum
from pyspark.sql.functions import sum, abs
gpd = df.groupBy("f")
(count("is_fav") - sum("is_fav")).alias("nfv")
or making ignored values undefined (a.k.a NULL
exprs = [
count(when(col("is_fav") == x, True)).alias(c)
for (x, c) in [(1, "fv"), (0, "nfv")]
Missing imports or some conflicts with
function? I mean you use built-in sum
not functions.sum
.– zero323
Mar 18 '16 at 8:27
Yes that was it, missing import. I guess it was confusing with the built-in Python "sum".
– mar tin
Mar 18 '16 at 11:22
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I get a TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' on the first solution, in sum. I'm sure the column 'is_fav' contains an IntegerType so I don't understand?
– mar tin
Mar 18 '16 at 8:20