on select update value in another field with object respont data angular

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on select update value in another field with object respont data angular

I need some help. I have two values that come from a separate query and tables but are linked together. The one data has an integer value from Table A:

WebDealerType: "1"

that I display in the field, next to it I offer a drop box with other value options that come from Table B:

(4) […]
0: Object DealerTypeID: "1", DealerTypeName: "Vehicle"
1: Object DealerTypeID: "2", DealerTypeName: "Recreational"
2: Object DealerTypeID: "3", DealerTypeName: "Auctions"
3: Object DealerTypeID: "4", DealerTypeName: "Mobility"

This is set in the controller:

$scope.product = angular.copy(item); //Table A

Data.get('typeIDInfo').then(function (data)
$scope.product.typeID = data.data; //Table B

If the user selects a new value from the select box I want to update the newly selected integer value in the <input>. My problem is that it is updating it but putting the full object value in the input field instead of just the product.typeID.



This is the HTML:

<input value="product.WebDealerType" />
<select ng-model="product.WebDealerType"
ng-options="option.DealerTypeID+' - '+option.DealerTypeName for option in product.typeID track by option.DealerTypeID"
class="form-control" style="width: 200px;display: inline">

This is what it does right now. Image of dropbox:

Console log after selecting from the Input box:

WebDealerType: …
DealerTypeID: "4"
DealerTypeName: "Mobility Dealerships"

All I want to show and grab from the <input> field is the option.DealerTypeID value. I am just not sure how to achieve that.



Just so you know, the [angular] tag is for versions of Angular >= 2. This question is clearly for Angular 1.x and should use the [angularjs] tag otherwise people might not find your question.
– Simon K
8 hours ago

2 Answers

You need to review the ng-options syntax: AngularJS: API: ngOptions

select as label for value in array


So your syntax should be the following:

<select ng-model="product.WebDealerType" ng-options="option.DealerTypeID as option.DealerTypeID+' - '+option.DealerTypeName for option in product.typeID track by option.DealerTypeID" class="form-control" style="width: 200px;display: inline"></select>


ng-options="option.DealerTypeID as option.DealerTypeID+' - '+option.DealerTypeName for option in product.typeID track by option.DealerTypeID"

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