Swift 4 Textview goes to bottom of textview when press return key

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Swift 4 Textview goes to bottom of textview when press return key

When I press return button when editing my textview, it makes a new line where I currently am editing the textview and it automatically goes to the bottom of the textview text. I think it is because I am using Firebase to keep the textview in realtime text so it can update on all devices. When i remove the observer in the following code, it works like its supposed to:

override func viewDidLoad()
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
ref = Database.database().reference()
textView.delegate = self

ref.child("Notes").observe(.value, with: (snapshot) in
let note = snapshot.value as? [String : String]

self.textView.text = note!["note"]


I also have this code to update the database with the text in the texview:

func textViewDidChange(_ textView: UITextView) //Fires when the textview text changes

I think i am having a problem because it gets the text from the database and sets a new copy of the text into the textview how can i solve this problem?

Do you really want to update Firebase for every character typed into the text view? Why not wait until the text view loses focus?
– rmaddy
16 hours ago

I am trying to make a realtime notes app so it would great if i can figure this out by sending each character to the database so that different users can edit the same document
– Chris
16 hours ago

Maybe you should avoid setting the text view's text property if the value of note["note"] is the same as the current value.
– rmaddy
16 hours ago



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