TS7017 implict any type + type inference

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TS7017 implict any type + type inference

Here's the condensed snippet that's erroring:

export default function formatSql(this: EscapeFunctions, sqlQuery: string, values: QueryParams)

if (isPlainObject(values))
console.log(values[p]); // <-- Element implicitly has an 'any' type because type 'QueryParams' has no index signature.
else if (Array.isArray(values))
// ...
throw new Error(`Unsupported values type`);

// ...

QueryParams is defined as:


export type QueryParams = StringMap | any;
export interface StringMap
[_:string]: any,

So, StringMap has an "index signature" if I'm not mistaken, and isPlainObject is defined as:



export function isPlainObject(obj: any): obj is object
return isObject(obj) && (
obj.constructor === Object // obj =

So I'd think that the isPlainObject check would rule out the any type, and thus values should necessarily be inferred as StringMap, but that doesn't appear to be what's happening.





Even if I make isPlainObject return obj is StringMap, Typescript still complains.


obj is StringMap

How come? Is there any way I can make this work without typecasting everything?

1 Answer

Technically, an Array still conforms to the type [key: string]: any. You can verify this by doing const test: StringMap = ;. The TypeScript compiler will not complain. So you first have to rule out the possibility that values is an array.

[key: string]: any

const test: StringMap = ;


Next, your function isPlainObject has the return type defined as obj is object. That is too generic, and will cause your code block to "forget" that the object has an index signature. It needs to be obj is StringMap.


obj is object

obj is StringMap

So in practice, you need to do two things:



obj is StringMap

Basically it will look something like this:

export function isPlainObject(obj: any): obj is StringMap
// ...

export default function formatSql(values: QueryParams)
if (Array.isArray(values))
// ...
else if (isPlainObject(values))
throw new Error(`Unsupported values type`);

I have to check for array first because arrays are technically objects? Is that why?
– mpen
11 hours ago

I just edited the solution to add more explanation.
– Stefano Dalpiaz
11 hours ago

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