Getting the route model binding from a Route object?

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Getting the route model binding from a Route object?

I am building a CRUD for Menus and Links so I can generate and render various menus on the page getting them from the database.. simple stuff. Links can be generated from text inputs by providing either + params in JSON format if required by the route OR Controller@action string + the same params input to provide the route parameters.







In the form request among all other validations rules I also want to ensure that the params input contains the required route parameters to generate a valid working route later. Does that make any sense!? Ok.. say it does. I can retrieve a route object from the router in the IoC container like so:


* @return IlluminateRoutingRoute|null
public function getRouteByNameOrAction()

$search = $this->get('route') ?: $this->get('action');

$route = Route::getRoutes()->getByName($search);

if (!$route)
$action = app()->getNamespace() ."Http\Controllers\". $search;

$route = Route::getRoutes()->getByAction($action);

return $route ? $route->bind(Request::createFromGlobals()) : $route;

.. so far so good! I have an instance of Route ...


Route {#192 ▼
+uri: "page_slug"
+methods: array:2 [▶]
+action: array:7 [▼
"middleware" => array:1 [▶]
"uses" => "AppHttpControllersPageController@show"
"controller" => "AppHttpControllersPageController@show"
"namespace" => "AppHttpControllers"
"prefix" => null
"where" =>
"as" => ""
+isFallback: false
+controller: null
+parameters: array:1 [▼
"page_slug" => "test"
+parameterNames: array:1 [▼
0 => "page_slug"
+computedMiddleware: null
+compiled: CompiledRoute #405 ▶
#router: Router #26 ▶
#container: Application #3 ▶ I know that this route requires one parameter page_slug and I can validate that the params input contains (or does not) such key and some value against it to substitute it with.



However I still need to somehow ensure that the route parameter (page_slug)'s value is valid for that route. How can I do that?


What I really want is to make sure that when the route is dispatched it won't fail with say model not found exception or something like that. Ideas? In the case of a page_slug I know exactly what to look for - record in the pages table with this slug, OK. But! This won't be the case for some other route.


I need a way to validate that the route will work at least at the time of the validation. Actually do I? ffs! Writing the post got me confused. Does the route somehow 'know' if it requires say an id or any other column to perform the query for the route model binding or it just passes it to some other service to be responsible for it??


Maybe I can dispatch the request and just try/catch to check if the response isOk()!? Does that make sense? Even if I do not really need that complicated validation rule in real life, for the sake of knowing how it works I want to build it. :) Please advise. Cheers!


All the answers I seek.. found them in the source code then in the Larave API docs page. o.0

So from what i understand of your problem is that you want to validate the input of a request. the method show in the PageController will perform an action when the route is matched. you can validate page_slug here.
– Webber
14 hours ago




@Webber want to assert that when the request is dispatched with the given value it returns valid response. But more i'd like to know how that whole param substitution works.
– reppair
14 hours ago

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