Node-Red Credential Files - Missing and Now Errors

Node-Red Credential Files - Missing and Now Errors
I found today that my node-red was running but the flows were not functioning properly. I got the credentials could not be decrypted error. My server has been up solid for quite some time functioning just fine and now recently I just noticed with said error. Upon exploring the folders of NR install, I cannot even see the credential file, and this leaves me rather suspicious.
What could cause an encryption file to spontaneously disappear?
I know I have a few installs on my system of NR, but only use one, and I was also curious how I could ensure I am looking in the right spot? ie how to know what directory your node red is being run.
I try this command : readlink -f /proc/#(procID)#/exe and only get the bin directory where Node is held.
I really hope my system wasn't messed with. I think at worst is I need to re-create the encrypted flows file, but I just want to make sure my system isn't tampered with somehow.
Thanks for any feedback regarding my situation.
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ADDED: I figured a few things out, and just stuck with my original post.
– mrSidX
9 hours ago