how to take a String argument within a function returned as a tuple

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how to take a String argument within a function returned as a tuple

Okay so what I wanted was trying to do was cycle through the string arguments and then try add it into the tuple however I am unable to do that and I'm currently using the print(tuple()) method.
I want to use return rather than print too.


Any help is much appreciated, I am a beginner in this too !

currently what results I get, doubled words and of course because I used a for
loop it adds each letter separately, so far this is the closest I've gotten

def part1 (payroll, dept, salary, firstname, lastname):
tuple1 = ()

for i in payroll:
payroll = payroll + i
for i in dept:
dept = dept + i
for i in salary:
salary = salary + i
for i in firstname:
firstname = firstname + i
for i in lastname:
lastname = lastname + i


part1('13214', 'CSEE', '27000', 'joey bob', 'Smith')

my desired output would be

(13214 CSEE 27000 joey bob Smith)

Can you provide an example input and desired output?
– Mateen Ulhaq
7 hours ago

yeah I just edited it and add some more details as well as a pic of what the results were
– Peanut HeadShape
7 hours ago

1 Answer

def part1(partonelist):
return tuple(partonelist)

if __name__ == "__main__":
part1_list = ['13214', 'CSEE', '27000', 'joey bob', 'Smith']
my_tup = part1(part1_list)

It's a little cleaner to put them in a list... then simply call the tuple function.

This will print:
('13214', 'CSEE', '27000', 'joey bob', 'Smith')

I said the same thing hah. It seemed like he wanted a client to call a function though
– James Colley
6 hours ago

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