loop doesn't work properly in scheme

loop doesn't work properly in scheme
(let loop ((p (- (length lst) 1)) (i 0) (l lst))
((= p 0) lst)
((= i p) (loop (+ p -1) 0 l))
((> (vector-ref (convert lst) i) (vector-ref (convert lst) p)) (loop (+ p 0) (+ i 1) (swap (convert l) i p)))
((< (vector-ref (convert lst) i) (vector-ref (convert lst) p)) (loop (+ p 0) (+ i 1) l))
it will return original state on (= p 0) when i send lst of '#(3 2 1) but when i run swap function separately it will return '#(1 2 3). p is the last array and i is the first of the array.
convert just changes to list to vector and condition = p 0 will terminate the process
– 이재찬
1 hour ago
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So in the case where the elements are equal
, then the loop is finished? It will terminate at least. What doesconvert
do? If argument is a vector why does the parameter name indicate that it is a list?– Sylwester
7 hours ago